Wind Mitigation Inspection
Did you know that Florida Law requires insurance companies to give homeowners a discount on the Wind and Hurricane portion of their policy According to the Florida Department of Financial Services, before  getting a Windstorm Inspection, the average homeowner is overpaying by 22% ! . Order your Windstorm Inspection today and start saving. The cost is $100.00 and takes only 30 to 45 minutes to complete.

There are seven categories that qualify for discounts on your Windstorm Insurance:


1.      Roof Covering: shingles that meet the State of Florida requirement.

      2.        Roof Decks: nails and spacing that meet the State of Florida requirement.

        3.  Roof Design: Hip roof divert stronger winds and will cause less damage.

       4.        Hurricane Clips / Straps: hold the roof structure to the walls.

    5.        Protection Of Opening: windows and glass doors with impact glazing or other  protection system.

6.        Secondary Water Resistance: prevent the roof from leaking if the covering is blown off in a windstorm.

 7.        Garage Doors: required reinforcement. Shutters have little value when doors is not protected.


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